He also worked at Milton Prell's Aladdin, The Landmark, The Dunes, and a few other casinos.
He has so many unique casino collectibles, that we spent hours at his home just looking at all the memorabilia and listening to his tales of life at Caesars Palace, The Aladdin, The Landmark, etc, during those years.
We have agreed to sell some of his collection on consignment. So, during the coming months, you will be able to see many of these unique items up for auction on eBay.
Here are some pictures of the first item we plan on listing, along with his description of the "provenance" attached to this item:
In his own words:
"On December 12, 1979 Caesars Palace staged a special event on a scale of the Academy Awards."
"The party was a celebration of Frank Sinatra's 40th year in show business and 64th birthday. To promote the event, Caesars invited many of Sinatra's friends and many more show business VIP's, as well as several thousand casino high rollers. We called it the Night of a Thousand Stars and created the first building "poster" to advertise the party. Sinatra's images of yesteryear and now hung from the 30 story Fantasy Tower (now called the Olympic Tower) and looked down the Las Vegas Strip. The "posters" were 20 stories tall and could be seen for miles."
"As a party gift, we had a music box made for each invitee that played "My Way" and adorned a bust of Mr. Sinatra. The music box was so popular, that before the night was over some guests sold their gift for over $500. Approximately 3000 were made."
"It is a must collectible for any Frank Sinatra fan."
He later added the following:
"I didn't know whether I should add to the description some of the celebrities who were at the party...."
"Red Buttons, Don Rickles, Dean Martin, Cary Grant, Sammy Davis Jr., Lisa Minelli, Johnny Carson, Henry Silva (my favorite...he starred in a movie called "Johnny Cool" about a mob hit man that came to Vegas to do a job. He was also a minor member of the rat pack and was in Oceans Eleven) Donna Sommer, Jimmy Stewart, Muhammad Ali, Alan King, and many many more."
"We had a red carpet set up at the front entrance to Caesars, and each limo that pulled up had a celebrity getting out. There were 3000 spectators at the front entrance snapping pictures. It was a magical night, and one of the greatest special events we ever staged."
So, if you have any questions, feel free to email us: bracken711@cox.net
Or, visit our eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/casinobilia
Hope you enjoy looking at the pictures.
Thanks for your time.
Bracken & Terri
CC>CC #R-5843
P.S. More pictures to follow.
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