"Part of being American is supporting free speech. As soon as we let the religious right squelchs that because it doesn't agree with the way someone else thinks, we're no longer a FREE country. We become just as bad as those twisted, backwards-a$$ countries that oppress their people. Let's keep our values intact during times of stress."
(that should read "squelch," BTW).
Key phrase is "part of being American."
If the Nazis want to march or protest, I may or may not disagree, but they are Americans; they have every right to do so.
If the skinheads or other right-wing groups want to march or protest, I may or may not disagree, but they are Americans; they have every right to do so.
If Al Sharpton and his bunch of angry simians want to march, I disagree, but they are Americans; they have every right to do so.
If illegal immigrants want to march or protest, they have no right to do so. That's why they are called ILLEGAL immigrants.
If Columbia University decides to selectively censure speakers, such as our brave Minutemen, it is because they are controlled by a left-wing communist administration...for all the money the students lay out for tuition, they feel they are given the right to behave like a$$holes.
Akabakaboogie is a camel jockey and is not an American. He has no right to do anything but die. He is scum.
I AM NOT PC, never will be, and if anyone has a problem with that, feel free to take me up on it. I am an American, and have EVERY right to my freedom of speech.