1. Letting someone speak at a university is NOT the same thing as "giving aid and comfort to our enemies". You don't think there will be protests? Heck, I would suspect there is going to be quite a little bit of "discussion". My guess is that he is going to get an earful telling him what he can do with himself. The phrase "giving aid and comfort to our enemies" is innaccurate at best, more accurately a Republican political salvo.
2. Part of being American is supporting free speech. As soon as we let the religious right squelchs that because it doesn't agree with the way someone else thinks, we're no longer a FREE country. We become just as bad as those twisted, backwards-a$$ countries that oppress their people. Let's keep our values intact during times of stress.
3. I'd hardly call supporting the 1st Amendment, not matter how that person's opinion disgusts you, as teason. That's just wrong.
4. Shame on you for saying Democrats don't want to win the war on terrorism. I'm a Democrat and want to see us eliminate terrorism as much as any "proud Republican". I just don't think we should do it at the expense of what it means to BE AMERICAN. I really don't think that's the point though. Me thinks the Republican political machine is in full motion here with THEIR eyes on 2008.