I have been playing poker every month with the same group for almost three years, and while I am competitive with them I average a middle finish. We usually have 23-28 players, and I have never finished higher then 3rd until tonight!! The last several months I have put myself in good positions early only to take a bad beat 2 months ago, and play like a donkey last month. Tonight's mantra after I built a top five stack was, "Don't be a donkey!" It worked two hands into heads up and in the big blind, I check my option with Q-10 off, and saw a flop of Q-3-x and two hearts, I went all in, and got the call. We showed I had Q-10, he had A-3 with a heart. The turn was a heart, and I dodged a bullet as no aces or hearts came on the river. I WON!!!!!! Finally, after over 25 tournys with this group, I finally won. Sorry for the length but I am very excited.