Hi my name is Heidi and I need to sell my chip collication, I would like to know if anyone would be intrested in buying what I have for face value or know of somebody that would? I have alot of Four queens chips,Harrahs,and various other casinos in vegas,mainly $5.00 chips. All can be returned to the casino's for cash. All are in excellent condition mainly bought through a chip dealer.
I can send them back to each of the casinos and they will send me a check but in the long run it will cost me more, I know longer have acsess to the internet everyday so putting them on e-bay is out. I live in Reno or I would return them my self to the casino's in vegas. I can send a photo copy of what I have and you can see what you think, the face value of the chips is aprox. $360.00. If you are intrested please send me your address and I can send you a photo copy of the chips,or the best way to reach me is by phone 775-376-2721 (please leave a message) or
I also have alot of chips from St. Marteen if anybody that collects them I can make an offer.
I want to thank you for any help you can give me on this,it's something that I don't really don't want to to but I have to for the cash.
Thanks again