(1) There is no charge other than the postage cost. For some international shipments, you actually get a discount by purchasing on-line. If you purchase priority mail (generally 13 ounce packages or heavier), delivery confirmation is provided to you at no additional charge. At the post office, you have to pay extra. All items have tracking via internet.
(2) The label and receipt end up being the size of an 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper. Half is the label, half is the receipt. The label is so large that I don't use it on small envelopes. I purchase full-size labels at Office Max, Staples, etc.; They are Avery #5165. Sometimes you can buy a store brand and save a few dollars. A box of 100 labels will cost around $30, from what I remember.
(3) Yes, you can put them in the mailbox. It is considered metered mail and is supposed to be processed without additional security limitations. If you are sneding international mail, though, you stil must stand in line at the post office so they can process the customs forms.
(4) The things I don't like: (1) blank labels can be expensive; (2) the half-page labels are too large for small envelopes; (3) although there is tracking, the package's location usually doesn't appear step-by-step on the post office tracking computer. Instead, there is usually an entry saying that you bought a label and told the post office you would be shipping the item, and finally an entry saying it was delivered at a particular zip code on a particular date and time. Nothing in between.