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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: Detroit casinos update
In Response To: Detroit casinos update ()

To balance the budget the state either has to cut costs or raise taxes. Our state government is not controlled by any single party, and both sides made "pledges" in the past election. They are voting tonight on a proposal to raise the income tax, which Republicans vocally oppose. Democrats have been unwilling to cut spending, arguing that lean budgets in the past have already caused the state to cut unnecessary fat. The state has faced cuts and freezes for many years now.

There has been a stalemate for about a month, and I don't believe either side will blink solely on the strength of casino tax revenues. I think Michigan has faced this problem only once before, that I can remember (and I'm a former state employee) - and it couldn't have lasted more than a day or two. I fear this time the positions are so firmly entrenched that we could face a shutdown and it could last a while.

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