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The Chip Board Archive 17

From the office of Caro et Fils

I recently visited a friend that bought this, how do I describe it ..., Freaking Amazing! framed display of Caro MOPs and ivories.

The frame, approximately 4' x 5' (it might be 5' x 6') containes one Freaking Amazing collection of never before seen gaming pieces.

Forgive the picture (from my iphone). The vast majority of MOPs have serial numbers. Many have crowns (signifying that the owner is royalty). Some of the MOPs are quite large (2.5"? round). The solid whites and all reds are ivory.

The amazing part is not that there are a bunch of neat ivories and MOPs for many of us could make similar dispolays. The part that is hard to fathom is that 90% or better are unknowns and as repects ivory that is saying something.

Expect a forthcoming book based on what is in this scan

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From the office of Caro et Fils
Looks like you need to get yourself

Copyright 2022 David Spragg