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The Chip Board Archive 17

No Sooner Do I Carp About...

...the old days at eBay , than a seller with 69 feedback (newbie,right?) leaves me a positive for payment and informs me that he'll be mailing my prize of tomorrow! Good for him! I'd try to be more optimistic about things but it probably wouldn't work out. (Thanks Steve Wright! vbg )

Messages In This Thread

Here's A Story...For The eBay Cops! rofl mad
What's up with the eBay sellers?
Re: What's up with the eBay sellers?
Here's A Story...Chapter 2
NCR...NCR...I Have Always Had a Problem..
JEEZ, old STYLE 13....
EZ! Two Ranges and Just Split The Gears!
No Sooner Do I Carp About...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg