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The Chip Board Archive 17

Extra! Poker Stars Tournament TONIGHT!

I'm having a Friday night H.O.R.S.E. tournament with a small $10 + $1 buy in. The starting time is 5 PM Pacific time & the name of the tournament is Chippers H.O.R.S.E.! E-Mail me for the password if you are a ccgtcc member & would like to play. Andy - Las Vegas

HORSE is played as one "round" of each of its component games. It begins with limit hold'em, then limit Omaha high-low, razz (seven card stud low), seven card stud, and finally seven card stud high-low. When the seven-card stud high-low round is complete, the game goes back to limit hold'em, and so on. You can tell which game is being dealt by looking at the top border of the table window. When switching from Omaha high-low to Razz, the button is frozen. That way, when the game switches back to hold'em (after seven card stud high-low), nobody skips blinds or pays extra blinds.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg