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The Chip Board Archive 17

Savings contest #2...deadline approaching

This one is easy to enter.
Dawn Satter and I have decided to try and save as much loose change and affordable spare money as we can until June 4th 2008 so that we have a ton of money to spend on chips.
All you have to do is guess how much that we will be able to save from now(actually about 10 days ago),until then.
There will be two great prizes worth around $100 total for these two contests so you have nothing to lose by guessing.
You have one week to go and prize distrubution will be announced next weekend.

As I mentioned,Dawn and I are fully dedicating ourselves to the savings program for the year.On June 4th we will be opening our banks and counting our savings.
THE MEMBER WHO CORRECTLY GUESSES how much we are able to save without going over will win the grand prize! Simple huh?
Remember that my goal as well as Dawn's is to TRY and save $5.00 per day.Sometimes there will be more and sometimes less so take that into consideration.This is for the TOTAL of BOTH OF OUR BANKS!

1.This is for club members in good standing only.
2.Guesses MUST be posted on this board
3:Subject line shall read:MY GUESS,followed by your guess...with your name and membership number.
EXAMPLE:MY GUESS...$1329.00 Joe Blow R00000
4.Only one guess per member
5:Entry deadline is September 9,2008 at 12:00PM
6:Winner is closest guess to the total without going over.

We will keep you posted throughout the year on our quest.
Have fun with this.
HINT: In 11 days of saving(for me anyway),I have placed an estimated $100-$125 in this bank. Don't know if I can keep this pace up is a start

Messages In This Thread

Savings contest #2...deadline approaching
My Guess $2112.46 Good Idea & Good Luck

Copyright 2022 David Spragg