$5 Hard Rock Casino - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Lynyrd Skynyrd is playing at The Live at the Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi on Thursday. I'll be there tomorrow through Wednesday. I'm not sure when they will release the chips, but if they're available I'll pick some up at the cage. Same deal as for all of the other new release chips I've sold -- $5 over face plus $1.50 s&h. PayPal, cash, check, or money order accepted. Just send me an e-mail telling me what you'd like me to pick up for you. If you want any of the previously issues chips I'll do my best to find them in mint condition, but I can't make you any promises as some are already scarce such as the Grand Opening, 3 Doors Down, and Blue October. Be sure to e-mail me today. I depart for the Hard Rock Casino on Monday morning. Thanks.