Dingin' around, listening to some blues, drinking some beer and filing a few chips from the convention. Got some more of those Bank Club Reno guys this time. Decided to put this small key 25¢ up against a post card from the the same time fame. Apparently a chip that was in play when this picture was taken. The Bonanza Club down the block was running at the time up until '52 but I don't see any cars newer than 1948 here. I'm qualifying this because after I created the scan, I noticed my purple smkey quarter was issued in 1949.

Not nearly as pretty but a little slicker nonetheless.
Alway the nosey one, I like to read the messages on my cards. Not posted until Nov. 1954 by the clockwatching Cauches, Aulds and June. "Tues. 1 P.M. We arrived here 4 PM yesterday. Found everyone fine + happy. Love to all,..." Sent off to some more Cauches in Brownwood, Texas. Fine plus happy in Reno. Everyone!