Mixed Report
My wife an I were there in '99. The good aspects were that you rode to the top without charge. We arrived before sunset so we had a view of Las Vegas during daylight and left after sundown so we also had a nighttime view. My wife enjoyed her meal. I didn't. The Calimari came with a salsa sauce and I found it out of place as I am used to a cocktail sauce for seafood. My lamb chips were cooked on only one side - raw on the other. They were quite accommodating in redoing them - I think I received an entirely new order - but since my wife's meal was fine she had finished before I got to start and then she had to just enjoy the view while I ate (the replacement was cooked correctly). When we left there was some problem with the elevator and an alarm sounded. This was pre - Sept 11 and I was still a bit anxious. Now I think I might have panicked - but then now there is no way I am going up there with no way down if the elevator fails.