Hiya Rene! Ah, one of my favorite chip collecting chapters, perhaps one day it'll have an ending!

Best wishes to you and all your San Diego endeavors too, BTW. So for any of you new folks following along at home here's the chip in question. The one at the top. Same today as when it arrived im my mailbox from Rene, Aug. 2000. Still believe the chip to be one of the best $25 acquisitions I've made. Seems to be the general consensus by most. Why, I even remember Dean Clark was so happy with the price that he bought a
bunch of 'em!
Glad to have your latest thoughts and recollections on this chip Rene. Saved your post to my Thunderbird file. Seems like every time this item swings through the board a few more names show up with observations about this and that. Actually makes the piece more interesting and fun when that happens. We had some talk around here about various Thunderbirds last Feburary for instance. Lately some fella got taken to the woodshed for challenging attributions with nothing but Blue Sky. That's in the archives as well.