Thanks very much for sharing that information and the images. When I worked there I was in awe at the NCV plaques because I thought they were so beautiful. I was afraid the images would never become public. When I inquired with PH upper management in an attempt to purchase them (and the LC roulettes), I was lied to about what actually happened to them. It's sad how easy it is for so many casino executives to just lie instead of honestly answering a simple question. Reminds me of why I stopped chasing that apple.
I'm glad to see that they have been preserved. As much as I would like to have a set, I know I could never afford one, but at least I, and others, are able to see them and appreciate them. Many times, just being able to see a piece of casino history is good enough for me.
I think it's disappointing that the sets are being broken up.
Thanks again for the post.