As some of you know I among other things collect MGM chips. With the excellent help of a fellow chipster and member of the ccgtcc who pointed me in the right direction I felt over a dream chip through this board. He also gave his recomendation which was a good thing since I have the highest thoughts about his integrity and honesty.
A deal was set with the previously owner, also a great member of the ccgtcc, of this dream chip and the shiping was fast as lightning and the chip where in perfect condition.
I was very excited about this chip and still are of course. This chip is almost one of a kind since it where never releast at the MGM Grand.
Very well, as a kind of spin off I bought the remaining and official ten chips in the serie from a great chip merchant who is also a member of the ccgtcc. This transaction was also as smoth as posible and the chips where in excellent condition.
Many and sincerely thanks to all of you!!!
I thought that some of you around the chip board should be interested in seeing these chips togeather in one picture
so here it is.
The MGM Grand chip in this serie, Legendary Old Timers, where never releast so the chip in the middle is only a test chip send to the MGM by Paul-son. Rumors said that Kirk didn't like the idea of the theme and cancelled MGM's participation.