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The Chip Board Archive 17
I still need a dealer to get me 6 sets of
the Hard Rock "Bomb Dogs" sets that come out tomorrow. Im willing to pay $30 a set X 6 ($180). If someone can get me these 6 sets at that price for some of my co workers who want em, email me. Thanks.
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I still need a dealer to get me 6 sets of
Re: I still need a dealer to get me 6 sets of
I did get a reply yesterday but havent heard back
If I can get enuff I will get sets for both of you
I would but have to work Von sorry
Von,I paid $32 Yesterday to Andy Hughes for a set.
If they were for me i would do the same
Re: If they were for me i would do the same
Von I could get U 6 Bums
I know about Dennis, who are the other 5?
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