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The Chip Board Archive 17

"Winner winner -- chicken dinner"

Last week I saw an early cut of a movie called "21", which is based on the novel "Bringing Down The House..." about the M.I.T. blackjack team that operated in the early 1990's. The movie stars Kevin Spacey (as the professor that puts the team together), Lawrence Fishburn (as the Vegas security guy), Kate Bosworth, and some others you may recognize. It's scheduled to be released in the U.S. on March 21st, 2008.

Anyway, the first words in the movie, voiced over by the main character, are these...

Winner winner -- chicken dinner. Those words had been dancing in my head all night. It's Vegas lore, that phrase. Ask any of the old-time pit bosses... they'll know. It was a Chinese dealer at Binion's who's first credited with the line. Every blackjack he dealt, he would shout it. That was forty years ago and the words still catch. "Winner winner -- chicken dinner!" Try it.

The phrase is repeated several times during the film. Thought some of you would find this interesting!

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"Winner winner -- chicken dinner"
Re: "Winner winner -- chicken dinner"
Re: "Winner winner -- chicken dinner"
Re: "Winner winner -- chicken dinner"
I use that...
BOY "O" BOY did I get that wrong message... sad
Tell you what, Stevie...
Beats "Pay! Pay! Pea, bee and jay!"
Re: "Winner winner -- chicken dinner"
BRST chicken dinner" IN VEGAS?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg