CASINO WATER LABELS? any body bring any back

I finally survived the kidney falure or infection or w\hat the H - LL it was took two weeks to clear up Was every 20 minutes 24/7 gitting ready to make my belated trip to las vegas. Will hopefully make the convention next year. probly the 2nd of sept. after a few hints what to do and where to go. i just wound up confused. i think every one keeps his favorite place thier secret. In this case after carefully conideration. I am going to op TO STAY at the IMPERIAL PALACE. and make side trips to PALACE STATION. AND BOULDER STATION (LOVE THIER ITALIAN FOOD) and other Locals hang out. Even if you did not find any casino water labels and were at a casino that you did notice the label. would appreciate if it was generic. no need to go thier or had a label. Paul Gratton. my friend fron canada said he did find some and is sending them. I am going to try to make a collection from now to next convention and will display all if them then. i as of right now have about 55 different labels. OH YES THE MISSES (PAT) JUST FINISHED HER LAST KNEE OPERATION AND IS DOING SUPER. 3 WEEKS AGO. OTHER WAS DONE MAY 21