"I bought an entire set of Silver Star chips directly from Jim Gellette in the early 1990's. The set included all of the hat & cane mold chips and all of the Nevada mold chips. These were sold to me as genuine".
Jim the chips you purchased were purchased from the Silver Star Management AFTER the casino closed. I was told and have no reason not to believe my three friends that the Nevada mold chips were real chips that saw little if any play do to the closure of the casino.
"Were the Nevada mold chips purchased by Gellette, et al., from Silver Star management?"
Yes they were.
"If so, were the Nevada mold chips purchased from Silver Star management by the trio manufactured prior to the opening of the casino?"
I would have to assume no. As Gellete told me, I believe they (the management) wished to change the chips because they did not like dealing with Paulson.
" Or, did Gellette, Anton and Payne (GAP) buy the Nevada mold chips from Bill Borland and, therefore, only acquire the hat & cane mold chips from Silver Star management?"
To the best of my knowledge Jim G. told me all the chips came form Silver Star management.
"And, if so, did GAP sell all the Silver Star chips as genuine with the knowledge that the Nevada mold chips were manufactured by Borland subsequent to the closing of the casino?"
From what I was told........No. As you know Gellete had "TONS" of chips for sale and would not have to lie about inexpensive Silver Star hot stamp chips for fear of destroying a "buyer - seller relationship" in the future. He was a business man and realized the only asset that counted was his word. Why lie........he could destroy his business if caught. It just doesn't balance.
Hope this helps,