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The Chip Board Archive 17

Dunes $2.50 Not Borland
In Response To: for sale Borlands for sale ()

The Dunes $2.50 chip is to the best of my knowledge is Not a Borland. I have the same chip. My roomate purchased it for me years ago on eBay amidst the contoversy that the current owner of the Mold was having with the club's membership/officers. I may be off on that part, but I'm not on the descriptive analysis...

The font is blunted and bolded. The Sultan is HUGE compared to the originals. The printing extends to the edges of the inlay. It says Limited 200 on the inlay. Mine says Limited 100 on the inlay.

ccgtcc R-5986

Messages In This Thread

for sale Borlands for sale
You should have come to my table grin
Dunes $2.50 Not Borland
Re: Dunes $2.50 Not Borland
You are only slightly off
Re: You are only slightly off
I guess I need to clarify something
Correction - Ltd 200 not 250

Copyright 2022 David Spragg