Our room at Red Rock...
Roy Baldwin would have liked this place.... And, yes Roy, I DID steal this advertisement. If you're reading this, send me your address and I'll drop it in the mail to you...
The Las Vegas Strip in the distance from our window at Red Rock....
Work is underway for a shopping center to the south of the Red Rock Resort...
On the way to our next stop, The Wynn...
The Frontier sign. Who knows how long it will be around?
The Wynn...
A relic of the past...
The Riviera, home of the largest chip show anywhere....
Some scary characters spotted in the hallway of the Riviera...
A rare shot of Brenda Black away from her post in the Registration room....
The Convention Registration room...
Myrna Lighterman and Archie Black having a serious discussion...
A few shots from a trading session...
Terry Shaffer and David Moore ready and willing to make a deal...
Walter Dirzulaitis below...
From our window at the Wynn...
The Palazzo at The Venetian is still under construction after a couple of years...
As is the Trump tower on the west side of the Strip, behind the Frontier....
And a few last shots on the way to the airport...
Goodbye until next year....