Re:NO Kilt. He was a shy guy. His boy.......

wasnt there to egg him on. I met him he is a great guy. Im sure under different circumstanses we would have had a whole noter SplashBar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is always next year. Not that this was a bad one. I think all there had a blast. I know I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even better, Meeting Tom Bondi and his wife. Played some 3 card poker at Paris and everyone was a winner. She got her 1st 3 or a kind... for those of you, that dont know thats 30 to 1!!!! YUP I had one too. But I also had a straight flush. I have had a drought for the last 3 days!!!!!!!! I will report more tomorrow... I hope this helps and dosent hurt.