10 Miniutes after we arrived at the Riviera my cell rang it was my Daughter to tell me My brother's Heart had stopped and that he had been resusatated and his Vitals were very Low. She was getting in contact with My Niece for further details and would call back. As of that minute our Convention was in turmoil and I was a total wreck being 1800 miles away and feeling VERY helpless

We went downstairs to try to cope with it and met up with my BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD VON MCKENZIE and His Wife Liz we traded personals and had a few beers at the Splashbar .So then came Banquet time and dressed in our finest Hawian attire we tried to have fun but I was so distraught waitin for that Phone to ring and it did only to hear that my Brother's Heart had stopped again and was again brought back. By this time it was time to make a decision so after sitting on the steps of the Riviera for awile with my truly good friends Ellen & Mike Von & Liz , Ron Lammer THANKS YOU ALL for your support ! WE went up to our room made a few quick calls and we had to GO HOME the worst 24 hrs of our Lives I miss you all and really dont have any regrets leaving Las Vegas But Now I am goin up to the hospital to find out where we stand in the next few hours,days or worse