Convention Karma Chap. II

Got my bags packed and sitting at the door, thirteen hours or so and I'll be parking at Hotel Nevada, Ely. I drive all over the place always and it's part of the job as well. I have bags packed and stashed here and there for cold weather or if the overnight lay turns into additional states and most of the week or something. ("Uuh, go to Pocatello...wait, head to Rawlins and then Salt Lake.") Since my social life is mostly just working, I'm likely to dress up for only rare occasions so my Las Vegas and Reno duds can usually be found upstairs still in my fancy luggage. I posted a couple of weeks ago about stowing supplies in my travel shaving kit and finding $320 left from the trip to Munding's show last fall. Kind of amusing. I keep close track on my gaming bankroll so this must have been gas/food/walking around cash I was hiding from housekeeping. Or something. Sheesh. Well NOW tonight I was packing my garment bag and found $500 stuck way down in the bottom the silly thing. Sheesh. What the H*LL! No idea! Guess I need a vacation. Wait a minute, what'd I do that $500...