Personally I don't like the fact that when I google my name, some chip board posts come up. I rather not use my full name for my own personal privacy. Think of employers, or other acquaintances that may search for you or me online and find a bunch of out of context posts, like this one .
On a similar note, I think it is silly for someone to not buy a chip from my post if I call myself Dave C., but if I call myself Dave Cygul they will by the chip. Just silly.
That being said, I think it is helpful to meet and remember people if you have their name. I am just used to being somewhere with at least 3 Dave's and usually end up going by "Dave C".
I know Phyllis (the 117 one ) has posted on here a long time, but it was funny when she made a comment about last names without using her own. Like no one else can call themselves Phyllis, no matter what their birth certificate says! No big deal though, I don't mean any offense Phyllis.
Maybe I'll start posting with only my nickname "Dog Bone"
Anyway, really I was just writing to advertise my auctions again! Click here: