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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: What? are we talking about the same place

Yup, boat in a moat. In states with the riverboat laws that is the only way. They have gotten very good at hiding it, but it is under there. Seems silly that the state wouldn't just change the law and allow them to build only so close to the river, thus saving the casino a ton of money.

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new release Casino Queen new release
Heres your picture...
Thanks Von, now how do I do that?
Re: Thanks Von, now how do I do that?
Re: Thanks Von, now how do I do that?
Nice looking 50 cent chip
Re: Nice looking 50 cent chip
So is the new land based casino open?
Chips Available
Not quite land based, but close
What? are we talking about the same place
Re: What? are we talking about the same place
Thats amazing! i would of never known
When the GREAT FLOOD comes...

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