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The Chip Board Archive 17

What;s Wrong...Let Me Count The Ways...

1.) It will never be done.

2.) Paul Gregory won't send the pics to put the crowning glory on the site.

3.) Nobody knows where it is.

4.) I have a bad reputation and live in Wyoming.

4.) Recently diagnosed with brain stem rot.

5.) Of the 6 people that collect them, 2 have died, 3 threw theirs away and that leaves me and my old hit of LSD in my college annual and a ball peen hammer.

6.) Federal government and FDA now regulating tobacco and making smoking stuff illegal.

7.) Recently quit smoking and find them disgusting.

8.) Now finding that FDA government study has determined that Westward Ho Mega-Dogs have caused brain stem rot leading to me constantly hearing voices...Usually "Chicken Little." Not sure what that has to do with anything but it's kind of scary.

9.) Recently told by Skip that they are all fakes.

10.) God Bless someone that can do a book!!!

Messages In This Thread

I Don't Know but...
Re: I Don't Know but...
That sure would
Re: That sure would
Whats wrong with Mark E.'s online site!!
What;s Wrong...Let Me Count The Ways...
Re: What;s Wrong...Let Me Count The Ways...
Nothing wrong .. if you only collect Nevada trays

Copyright 2022 David Spragg