I accept it. As far as I’m concerned this incident is a done issue.
While most read into the post basically what I did, a few have questioned what the content meant, and the handling of the email. To understand what the content meant, one might have to walk in my shoes. Quite often we only read what we want to and ignore the facts. All the things will be ok isn’t going to change things. From where I sit, I have to decide is the glass ¼ full or ¾ empty. For you it may be real easy to call it ¾ full.
As far as friends in this group or any other go, everybody starts out on a level field. Where you go from there depends on ones action and how they get interpreted. Joe P is a prime example. Calling my wife, a person he has never spoken to, a looser in 12 different posts was a major boo boo. John Doe calls once a week to see how I’m doing. One doesn’t need to be a brain surgeon to figure out who stands where.
As far as the email being forwarded to me, Aaron has my support 100%. If you don’t agree that is your right.
I hope we all can put this behind us and move forward. While I won’t be looking to buddy yup for a drink Chuck, I DO SAY THANK YOU FOR YOUR ACTIONS TO BRING A CLOSE TO THIS.
To all of you going to the convention have a great time. Due to medical reasons (100%) MEDICAL, I need to pass on making the trip. I had cut back on some medications hoping that it would help and did not get positive results. Some of my medical issues are better dealt with here.
David R-7178