What would you buy with $200?

A question put forth to all club members:If someone handed you $200 and said use this WHOLE $200 to buy any chip/chips or casino items that you want...no questions asked...what would you buy?
I keep the price realistic simply because I assume that many of the new members out there do not strive for those $1,000-$15,000 chips.
For me.....I am a new collector so I want to keep it simple:I would buy the most recent Aladdin $100(R1) chip with the veiled woman(it's just a cool loooking chip) and a set(3) of Sam's Town Halloween Monsters(hard to find).Since I am sure that there would be a little bit of money, left I would also like a 1997 Mahoney's Silver Nuggett Halloween.Maybe not quite the rarity value of some other chippers want lists but they all sure would be welcome in my collection.
How about you?