The date code on the card is 1935. At the top it says: "Club house and grand stand, Agua Caliente Jockey Club, Agua Caliente, Mexico.
On the back: "The Agua Caliente Jockey Club forms a picturesque setting for the gay throngs which gather from all parts of the globe. The Club is one of the show places of the Southland and is the scene of the running of the world-famous Agual Caliente Handicap."
It's postmarked August 20, 1936, from San Diego, and was mailed to someone in Elgin, Illinos. The message: "Dear Walt, Here the race track you told me about. We visited it yesterday. It no longer run as gambling has been stopped in Mexico. The building there sure are pretty all white with red tile roofs. We go on a tour this a.m. 9:30 so must hurry. Stella"
I just love old postcards . They give you just a peek into the past....