Neither major guide is new this year, but the most recent editio should be on sale at several booths. The authors should be around to sign them as well. One of the seminars will be about the guides, with the authors. There are more specialist guides (Washigton State, Atlantic City, etc), but I don't kow which will be available. If an area interests you, email the author.
I believe their is a Calif. guide, but don't know for sure. If you check out the club site-library, we may have a copy, and the author's name would be mentioned. The illegal guide is now free on the web. It is Ed Hertel's site. You can get there via Greg's chip board.
Yes, several folks will be there who are interested in illegals.
He has a booth, So I would guess yes.
CT will have a real supply, and his new catalog. There will be others with supplies as well.
Food. The food is really good, but I don't know what the menu will be this year.