Jeff wrote: "I do too, but not for that reason!! ...I think Hitler was smarter, and lasted longer in office."
I'm curious what you mean by "I do too". Do you really think Bush is like Hitler?
Really? Do you really think President Bush would go as far as ordering the extermination of an entire race of people?
You, know, Jeff, I can understand a person holding differing views than President Bush on the war in Iraq, since a large number of people in our country do. The ability to openly hold opposing political views is what this country was founded on, and one of the reason so many people around the world would like to make this their home. At almost any given time in recent U.S. history about half the country thinks one way and the other half the opposiite. But to say that President Bush is "like Hitler"? Come, on, Jeff. You're not going to fall into that one are you?
Why is it that a lot of people who are opposed to the President's policies try to paint him as dumb? Could it be the fact that it's the easiest way to voice your opposition without offering up concrete arguments? Sort of a grade-school playground assault, but if that's all you can muster...
Oh, and then what could be even better than calling the current sitting President of the country you live in "dumb"? Saying that the most evil dictator in modern history is "smarter" than he is.
I've never understood why people holding the most liberal views in this country don't realize that they would be so much more convincing if they would talk about issues and try to make the opposition understand their viewpoint instead of resorting to name-calling.