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The Chip Board Archive 17

NO, Chucky...let's try and get this right, OK?
In Response To: (Message Deleted by Poster) ()

"I still hear you yelling....Spraggy run over that Wabbit...I need a Foot..."

OK, that is wrong. Here's the story and it's true:

3 distinguished gentlemen (actually two plus a drunk guy) decided to take a road trip to Pahrump after the banquet, as it had been discovered that England was running low on Pahrump chips (not to mention ashtrays, matchbooks and everything else that wasn't nailed down vbg). It should also be noted that distinguished gentleman "b" was drinking WATER that evening (because he had spent that day from 9 to 5 keeping up with Mr. Splashbar, but that's another story).
There was supposed to be a fourth passenger, but that person bailed at the last minute. I believe we received twenty-seven regrets from the fourth individual. grin

The driver (distiguished gentleman "a") had become quite distracted by the (drunk guy) riding shotgun who didn't shut his trap for two seconds during the entire drive. Out of nowhere there appeared a humongous lepus dashing across the road at breakneck speed, giving the driver no time to avoid a collision. I believe the animal is still flying through the skies of Nevada to this day. Distinguished passenger "b," riding in the back seat (Merlin) could only watch in horror as this happened, as his magical powers are blocked by the UV coating on automobile glass. At no time did passenger "b" yell "Spraggy run over that Wabbit." He yelled "watch out," but it was too late.

This somehow made the drunk guy quite hungry for pancakes. The driver won over $2,000; the drunk guy hit four aces with a kicker, and Merlin lost his shirt.

The only thing you heard me yelling was obscenities at the poker machine. grin

That's my recollection anyway. Aside from sending the first rabbit into space, I do recall that everyone had a good time that evening. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how it went down.

Messages In This Thread

Re: go to the hospital, they will help you
(Message Deleted by Poster)
No I don't grin
(Message Deleted by Poster)
grin Mr. Snorse...
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: grin Mr. Shorse...
(Message Deleted by Poster)
NO, Chucky...let's try and get this right, OK?
Correct you if you were wrong grin
Oh yeah, that too. I stand corrected grin
Originally, there was a further reason.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
sad sad You Failed sad sad
Ralph, I said put the DVD "IN" the DVD player....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg