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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: Jackpot What Happened?
In Response To: Re: Jackpot What Happened? ()

This is what happened:

1. They do NOTHING about the spam that they let be posted on there so called "Chip Chat" section.
2. Norm does a good job in replying to email messages, but he is only the messanger. They people who count, do not seem to care.
3. There system is often down, and/or hacked.
4. Major portions of the site no longer work!
5. I tried over a period of a year to try and help them to get things fixed, and NOTHING happened!
6. As a result, I no longer list items for sale there and will not bid on anything listed there either.
7. Unless/until they get there act together, a lot of other people appear to be doing the same thing!

Messages In This Thread

Jackpot What Happened?
Why Don't You Answer My EMAIL??????
You ordered 50 cent chips
Re: Why Don't You Answer My EMAIL??????
Re: Jackpot What Happened?
Re: Jackpot What Happened?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg