Great looking chip, that Luxor Nefertiti $5. (hip) COTY 1993. First casino chip I ever collected as a matter of fact. Got it off the table in 1998. I was just amazed at the beauty and the Chipco construction. I had a lot of luck and fun at The Luxor so I'm a little unhappy that they're gonna mess with it. Kinda unhip in my estimation.
I remember my first visit to the place in '95. I had my daughter and granddaughter with me and we'd been traveling SLC, Moab and down by Tombstone to see my Dad and were returning to the Pacific Northwest. I wasn't a gambler then and was pretty intimidated by the whole LV hotel resort scene so we were staying at a motel out on Boulder Hwy. Guess we went up to see Sig & Roy's cats and Steve's dolphins the day after taking in the TI pirate battle thing and well, shoot, lookit that, it's a pyramid! Pretty hip! Wheeled the Cad into the self-park and got the BEST spot in the place. I kept looking around for the Handicap Only sign or Don't Park Here, Harry Reid Bagmen Only or something but nope, we'd gotten a very hip parking spot. Dang, that was a great car, got good parking, got to fill up w/o pre-pay and got out of a couple of traffic tickets. Cadillac, Standard of the World BTW. Gawked at everything inside and all the foreigners taking pics out in front by the hip Sphinx and such. (Bumper sticker from my neighborhood: Isis Isis, Ra Ra Ra) Emerged from the Gents and found security chewing out my daughter for dropping a quarter in the slots while holding onto the wee one's stroller.
Taught myself how to lose $$ at the table like a hip man of the world and returned to Las Vegas whenever I could. The Trop across the street suited me just fine but the huge casino in Luxor was where I mostly went looking for a seat... once I got past the foreigners with the cameras. That's were I started noticing the the correlation blackjack, blondes and booze. That is: If I'm playing blackjack while a tipsy blonde is at the table, I'm gonna win money! Just a few other stories for another time like the guy playing two black chips every hand while I was at the $3 table (hip) and Luxor belly dancers (mmmm, hip) and all those folks with the cameras out front. So anyway, I picked up this cool Luxor chip and took it home, see, I figured that would give me a reason to come back to Las Vegas!
Well, at least I was at Luxor when it really was hip.