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The Chip Board Archive 17

eBay Silly E-Mail Responses eBay vbg

My Original E-Mail
Item: $20 FRN Error Note Seal & Numbers 3rd print shift (140136200282)
I'm curious why you decided to assign this auction to the $1 Casino Chip catagory instead of the paper money category. Why would you do that and expect to get any bids?

Seller Response
Item: $20 FRN Error Note Seal & Numbers 3rd print shift (140136200282)
there was no interest in the chip and only worth a few dollars - people don't search by catagory - they may type -error note- If you neeed the chip it is yours for the starting bid and shipping-Thanx

My Response to Seller
Item: $20 FRN Error Note Seal & Numbers 3rd print shift (140136200282)
1. This isn't a chip, it's a $20 bill
2. All the smart sellers list by category. All the people I know have searches set up ONLY search by category. More than 98% of the items I see are correctly categorized.
3. It's a violation of eBay rules to mis-categorize items.
4. It's people like you which add unrelated hits to my searches I have no interest in.
5. Only an idiot looking for a $20 bill with an error would look in the $1 Casino Chip category.
6. No, I do not want to buy it for any price totaling, including shipping, more than $19, as the only reason I would buy it would be to spend it. I collect casino chips, not $20 bills. That is why I search the casino chip category.
7. At any given time eBay has over a million items for sale. Buyers cannot browse through them all, so they must limit their searches. You have intentionally, and foolishly, decided to circumvent that system.
Best Regards,

NOTE: It's stuff like this that drives me crazy!!! This person's really surprised not to have any bids! I've just GOT to learn to stop writing to people like this, it's an exercise in futility and only raises my blood pressure. Can this possibly be Mr. or Ms. Ordinary American? Is he or she REALLY allowed to vote? Is this who helps shape public opinion? God save us all.

Messages In This Thread

eBay Silly E-Mail Responses eBay vbg
Re: eBay Silly E-Mail Responses eBay vbg
Lucky for Me you Ain't

Copyright 2022 David Spragg