Yeah. Gambling sucks unless you've got....

the key to the machine. Video poker would be the game for me, as with my personality it is exciting. I like 9/6 JOB on my computer, playing with Bob Dancer's software. For a guy like me it's exciting, but I'd never play it in a casino. Because of my crappy memory, and my reluctance to use the strategy card, and my occasionally not even seeing low pairs, I play it at the 93% level, which results in a net of a 92.5% payback, even including a royal every 40,000 hands. So it's way too volatile a game for me to play for money. I'm strictly a low rolling, coin-toss kind of guy. I'll play a few of the TV slots for entertainment and thrills (not many), but when it comes to serious playing I'm strictly a wrong bettor in craps and a bank bettor in Mini-Bacc. I'm so seriously disliked by craps shooters and dealers alike that I've closed down craps tables, even at Paris, with my wrong betting and always passing the dice when it was my turn to shoot. Even then I'm a minimum bettor on all the games, except when I had the money I played black chips in Mini-bacc. Not much in comps from that, though. With the accountant-run casinos, and the player tracking systems, they've got their comps pretty much in line with theoretical losses, and I only played at full tables in order to slow the game further. Sometimes I'd bet $103 or $102 just to be a jerk and slow it down even more, so they had to dig into the quarters to figure the vig, but they always rounded up, so that was self-defeating.