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The Chip Board Archive 17

grin A welcome chip surprize... grin

I won an eBay auction recently that had a Sands $1 in a jewelry "bezel" only concern was whether the back side of the chip had an inlay and whether or not the chip was glued into the enclosed back-side of the bezel. It WAS my only concern until a wise chipper friend offered that the chip may have also been shaved to fit into the bezel....oh, great sad . Upon returning home from a fun weekend in Vegas, I was extremely relieved to find that the bezel was only a ring around the chip and that the chip was held in with four tabs on each side...and it wasn't shaved vbg !!! Except for a couple of small nicks and a "rub" spot at one of the tabs, the chip is in great shape and has found its new home in my collection. Kinda nice when things work out well. grin Steve B

Messages In This Thread

grin A welcome chip surprize... grin
Re: grin A welcome chip surprize... grin
Nice Chip BeDoOo!!!!!!!!!
Your wise chipper friend is an IDIOT vbg
Smart (not IDIOT) would be my choice of words...
grin only certain things should be shaved...
vbg NICE vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg