The payback charts are usually based upon the 95% payback chip, so you don't really know where the additional hits will be as the payback goes up, but they probably won't be in extra top jackpots.
It's a handy book to have if you're trying to pick the machines to play. For the short run, you're looking for low volitility coupled with a machine that has fewer virtual stops (or more top jackpots to compensate for higher stops), and also a relatively high hit frequency and also a machine that has a high upper payback, and also has a high lower payback.
When playing in tribal casinos I avoid machines with 75% minimum paybacks, because I think that's what they use, the lowest payback chips available. There's a lot of machines that the only chips available are 85 to 90 minimums. At least you know you'll get that amount, and maybe better.