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The Chip Board Archive 17

Club Magazine And All The Pissing and Moaning...

It always amazes me that everytime a new magazine is due the posts run rampant about not getting your magazine. Were you too cheap Mr or Mrs Millionaire to pay the extra $14.00 for expidited delivery? Then you might get it when every one else less the cheap skates get it.

If it is something you are concerned about I couldn't imagine that a lousty $14.00 would wreck your budget.

Then the bozo that wrote the other night about a quality magazine with a minimal amount of advertising. The magazine is the clubs biggest expense. Allan and John do one impressive job getting it put together and mailed. All for naught. In case the real world hasn't hit anybody in the a$$, advertising is what pays for any publication.

It is beyond me why more don't buy even a small ad, every little bit helps.

I pay for a full page ad every issue. Not because any body could give a rat's a$$ about my ad, but to support the magazine. It just amazes me thar so many of you guys that have more money than God will not support your club magazine. Shame on you.

Christ, put in a picture of the family dog, whatever, just do it. CT or Allan will get your ad worked up for you. It's Easy!!!

Full page is a lousy $360.00 a year. Tons of other sizes at cheap rates.


Messages In This Thread

Club Magazine And All The Pissing and Moaning...
That Was A Good Post, Mark grin
Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel Mark grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg