To my surprise, I noticed a couple of these on a table on Friday evening. I asked the cage manager who told me they initially turned these down and went with 25p chips only (for RLT and Baccarat change) but the 25p's were disappearing so quick they already had to re-order. The manufacturer said it would be 3 weeks until delivery so they supplied the 100 of the 50p they had originally made as samples as a 'stop gap'. Within 3 days they had managed to 'lose' nearly 40 of these also, so they were tight with them to say the least. After the re-order arrives these will not be used again. Having them scattered round the casino at about 6 each on 10 tables was a pita
I managed to get a dozen. I need $6 each shipped for them. Email me if interested.
I also have a few more of the 25p which I had sold out of before - they are available here:
The poker room is not yet open. When it does, it may have different chips subject to gaming approval.
Confirmation on roulettes for those interested - all 8 colors are in use on all 16 tables - therefore 128 different