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The Chip Board Archive 17

vbg Chicago chippers meeting vbg

The Chicago Land Chippers meeting is one week away. July 15th from 11 am till the last person leaves. The get together will be held at David and Denise Kolenda’s house at 10733 Manor Drive in St. John In. they are located within 8 miles of every interstate in the area, and 4 miles of Il-394. For easy directions drop them an email at Come spend the day, or even part of the day, with others who enjoy collecting chips. Bring whatever you want for traders, or for sale items, as there is a ton of room to display your goods. Denise will provide food, finger foods, and soft drinks. You are welcome to bring the beverage of your choice. We can keep it cold. There will be plenty of chips given away, including the longest distance award, which looks like it will be well over 90 miles.. Pack up the chips, load up the car, and head to NW Indiana where there is more then corn. Remember we are on Central Time.

Messages In This Thread

vbg Chicago chippers meeting vbg
Would not miss it for the world!!!
Re: I'm comin 120
Re: I'll be there around !!!!
i will not . at kolendas house, any

Copyright 2022 David Spragg