Another name you mentioned, Frank Sennes.
Frank Sennes owned the Moulin Rouge in Hollywood and his brother, Rocky, didn't work
much at the Moulin Rouge, but Rocky joined. Then Frank Sennes moved over here and
was the entertainment director at the Desert Inn.
Do you know how to spell Sennes?
/ spelled it right. I'm so impressed. I think I remember seeing the name.
I always called him boss because I was there so long. I was there five years. I even knew
where the kitchen was and would go down to the kitchen. The other girls were all, you
know, astonished that Betty had the run of the kitchen.
That's what I'd want the run of, the kitchen.
Indeed. But they moved up here and Frank Sennes actually was involved in a little bit of
the scandal at the Desert Inn concerning Howard Hughes. Forgotten exactly what the
1 End tape 1.
scandal was. I loved Frank Sennes. I wouldn't want to say anything bad about him. He
was a sweetheart of a man. Short, little wonderful man that never made passes at anyone,
you know. There was nothing embarrassing about him. He was kind of fatherly and
marvelous but there was some talk that maybe a lot of steaks disappeared to go up to his
restaurant. He then bought a restaurant on the top of Mt. Charleston. I guess he bought
the restaurant on top of Mt. Charleston.
/ was going to say, I think there's only one.
And I will say that the time I drove up there with Joel to have dinner, I walked in and did
a, "WHAT! This carpet is from the Desert Inn." It was. The whole carpet had been
taken out of the casino at the Desert Inn. I'm sure that they put in new carpet and rolled it
up and he bought it from housekeeping, you know. That doesn't make him a bad guy. A
lot of people did that. Well, anyway.