Hmmm, now that you mention it
Yes I saw that. I just figured that he spun it around on photo shop or something. At the factory where they make these chips are the stripes hand painted on the chip or are they done by a machine? It is true that I corresponded with James and he didn't have the books 2005 3rd edition published yet. At the time he had just released the 2nd edition of his book and that was in 2000. So I figured it was my chip. I would've thought that he would've let me know if there was another one out there. That was the main reason that I contacted him and a few other people about the chip. I guess my daughter's right and it really isn't worth anything much. My daughter's been bugging me to let her use it for the art project that she is doing right now for the company she works for. Well, thanks for letting me know. Alicia