In my opinion, the only person fit for office is one who has to be dragged kicking and screaming into it, derives no pleasure or profit from it, and serves all the people. In my experience in life, and politics, I have yet to find anyone worthy, so I vote for the lesser of the evils; those who will will work to better the lot of the unprotected. It is not the rich, the powerful, and the majority that need protecting. They have the money and the power, and they are best qualified, as well demonstrated, to bleed the rest dry. It is the poor, the outcast, and the different which need the protection. After all, governments were created as an insurance policy - to provide for the common good by sharing the risk and reward among all the people.
In conclusion, I point out that corporations are artificial people who deserve no protection other than limited liability. When, under the law, as in trade barriers, preferences, and 'ear-marks', the protection of artificial people exceeds the protection of real people, something is seriously amiss.