from the archives:
Yes sir, and here's the corrected list: By:Mike Pasternack LM 1238-33 (
Date: 6/9/07 8:12 pm In Response To: Re: some of the finest members I know!!!!!!!!!!! (Dennis Shoop LM-6060-160 (OH))
Back row, l to r: Patrick Fleming (thanks Barry), Steve Wilson, Ron, Geri and Fred, Chuck, Brian "Mr. Splashbar," (the bartender), Joe Pavlik, Doug Smith, Aaron Peacock, Bob Orme, Deb M, Brian Jimison, Jane Voller (sorry Jane, Thanks Marc).
Front row, l to r- Marc Shapiro (sorry Marc), the famous Shooperman, some weird dude in a red cap (Bart Simpson?), Lin W, John Chopek, Ricky P, Dick Bartley (because Ralph says so), and Mike C.
So, not counting the mysterious bartender (or the email I got from David LOL) that's 18 out of 22. Not too bad.
NB if anyone ever sees me attempt anything like this ever again, please shoot me.