Who is Who????

Who is Who???? Yep, that may sound stupid to most of you here but I look at the pictures posted here of "The SplashBar" and at the conventions and I have no idea who is in the picture. Would it be to much to ask someone to post a picture taken of the members of the group and name them for a newbie? You know, something left to right thingy. lol I know that sounds stupid but I am trying to learn this hobby and learn the people by watching this site numerous times a day. I have 3 personal chips now and so if I ever get to go to a convention there is no doubt I will recognize those people. I will be glad when I get my membership number and I can participate in the contests. lol Each and everyone of you have been wonderful and generous to me. You all have been very understanding and helpful no matter how stupid my "Newbie" questions have been. You all will never know how much I appreciate the friendship and chips you have given me. My wife and I are lucky to have found such a great group of people. I hope & pray I never offend anyone here. If I do, PLEASE let me know and give me the chance to make things right. Life is to short to go through it holding a grudge against someone. Thank you all for having this board and the club. This gives a guy like me a chance to get some great chips without bending over. That means a lot in this screwed up world. Well, I will shut up now. Thanks to you all and have a great night, Mark