Yes, it will happen to some dice no matter how you store them. It has to do with the chemical composition of the dice, as I understand.
Early dice were made of cellulose nitrate...I think that's the same thing old films were made of (or something similar). Apparently there's something that's used to preserve old films. Sometime before he died, Jeff had been looking into getting some of that film preservative and experimenting with it to try to preserve dice. I don't know if he ever got any, or how much experimenting he might have done.
As for the riker mounts, that's how I store ours. I wish I could come up with something else, because I'm not sure how safe it is... when I take the lid off a box (to sniff for 'vinegar'), I can see little cloudy areas on the glass from 'fumes' that some of the dice have given off. I clean the glass and let the box air out for awhile, then put the lid back on and cross my fingers.
The good news is that riker mounts are definitely safer than a Florida car's dashboard!
Could you please post a picture of your TI door handles? I think Craig Duke would like to see 'em!